How Steemit has given me hope. "Seeing" is believing literally. An unusual test

Hi I'm Bill Joyce i just joined Steemit not too long ago and honestly it's like a beacon in the night and it has given me the opportunity to find
myself back working online and being able to actually see the screen.

About a year ago I lost sight both eyes and everything I was doing fell apart
because I had been working online fan pages and a couple of sites connected to it mainly in the dog niche primarily and fairly successful but you know all of a
sudden one is taken away and it's not just the business which was pretty significant.

it's quite a quite a hump. but I was it found a phenomenal absolutely amazing
doctor here in Atlanta, who said, "we can do something about this".

She was able to save this eye. The other one, you know, was so totally gone. but you know I'm so grateful for what I have got.

At least I don't have to go out and train my eight-year-old Schnauzer
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and how to guide me around. He has a his mind of his own anyway you look at it.
I'm grateful for that. It gave me such an introspective look when I was
finally come back and see look at both sides. If you if you ever wonder what you're made out of you find out sometimes vary dramatically and not your own choice.

The doctor I dealt with the she said that you know for her,
when she started, she said them to undertand what other people
what other people go through and show what other people people deal with and find out how you adapt, she recommends put on like sleeping
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if you will, over your eyes.
Go to sleep. and when you get up in the morning don't take them off and walk around for about a half an hour, or six hours.

She tried to 48 hours and not being able to see and not being able to do things
the way you used to. Having your relying on people for a great number of
things quite humbling experience. you know it's a i'm so glad i am where I am

now I can see at least partially and is a great, but you know in the land of the
blind, the one-eyed man is king. Being able to see after that surgery so fulfilling and then trying to start over online just recently and trying to get
back with the dog niche and all.

Then Steemit
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popped up and it's been such a blessing, just starting with it but I understand the understand the benefit and it's like a ray of light, beacon of hope and actually I truly love it. then I know you benefit from it use the help to rebuild myself my business and give other people the opportunity to learn from my experiences so now it take a whack at that. You'll be surprised that kind of tells you a lot about yourself what time you got stronger than any more and that's the best part of this means that you you really can look at yourself mentally inside because its overall see yourself so take a whack at it

So please comment let me know what you think and and it's you know and then
once once you bring yourself back into the world of seeing you have a whole
different perspective it's amazing so thanks for your time. You can upvote this
would you share it or and just hopefully they'll give you a little benefit up and what it's like to not be able to do what you do every day and having to trust and work with others and it's amazing so thanks for your time and i'll see you guys later i'll be posting between dogs and my business experience so let's enjoy this enjoyed watching thanks for your time

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