SOLDIER| A soldiers love in his country

They fight for the people, they protect us, they served our country, being a soldier is not easy because your life is always in danger and the saddest part is you can't see your family for how many months because you are in the field.
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Once you are in the field your half body is considered dead, you will not know if you can still back at the barracks. Serving your country is not bad but killing people is a sin the reason why their are killings is because of some government officials supports the NPA, ISIS etc.

Soldiers are soldiers they won't surrender in any situation that they will encounter, I'm proud to all of the soldiers around the world, they deserves a good salary.

Soldiers life is not easy because in every step they will do may the reason of their death because of the land mine that the terrorist planted anywhere. I don't know why we need to kill just to maintain the peace in all countries.

You can't buy life once you kill a person, you can't revive it again even if you will pay billions of money. Life is a gift from God we don't have a right to get their life because of the order in each leader.

I hope that all soldiers will be protected of the power of our God and I'm also hoping that we must pray for them to survive the fight.
""No retreat, No surrender"


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