Watched 13 reasons why?

13 reasons why is a mystery teen drama web television series based on a novel Thirteen Reasons Why by Jay Asher and adapted by Brian Yorkey for Netflix.


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There are two seasons of this series, the story is based on a teen girl named as Hanna Baker, she feels so lonely and alone after what her friends and classmates does to him in the school and in her private life.
Both the seasons contains of 13 episodes total of 26 episodes in all the web series.

At the beginning all things looks great but you will pass the episodes then you see the mystery why see killed herself and what are the 13 reasons why did she take her life.


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I loved the character "clay Jensen" most in the series, he is a decent, kind and great guy .
He secretly loves Hanna but he never tells her about that, but after her death he was the who was so tensed of her sudden death.


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There are many more great character in the series for that you should watch the season hope you will also love that.

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Link of first season of 13 reasons why?

Link of first season of 13 reasons why?

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