RE: Why do Men Abuse Women?

You've said it well and clear in this article. I cannot stay in a toxic relationship, nope not even for a little bit.

I'm very against abuse because I have witnessed first hand the damage it breeds. I hail from West Africa and I can tell you for a fact that the male folks share similar believes with the Latinos but thank God to some very strong women who rose up to say to no to such hideous treatments. Now our culture is mixed, we have those who feel that both genders are equal and we still have this I'll call "the control freak".

Using pregnancy as a control tool is very disgusting. How can real secure man say that! Women are not dogs! Neither are we tools to be used.

For those women who say that they stay because of their children, don't know that they are setting up their kids to become violent and aggressive in future. So I totally disagree with such comments.

Giving birth is not a death sentence nor is it a paralysis illness. Women are strong and they can do and become whatever they want, including raising a child on their own.

I've been a single mom for the past twelve years and I'm so happy and grateful that I shielded my child from the toxicity of my past relationship. I want her to grow up in a safe environment and that's exactly what I'm doing for her.

If a man wants to be responsible, then let him be responsible but not at the expense of my peace, sanity and emotional health.

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