Why It's Important To Move On In Your Life !


I'm already in my 30's. While I already worked in different firms and different countries, and learnt a lot of different skills, I see a lot of my friends stuck in their knowledge, professional life, social relations ...

What is so motivating for those talented people to stay in their comfort zone ?
What successful people do ?
Is there a way to go over comfort zone ?

People in general don't like discomfort, and to be more specific : the fear to go over of their comfort zone. This probably comes mainly from our education system where we have been told to learn our lesson and answer to a question. If you success answering to the question you're a 'good' student, but if not you're a 'bad' one. Making a mistake is forbidden, you need to have the good answer or you fail and game over. But life is not like that ...
Getting out of the comfort zone is very difficult for another reason : our parents ! They don't like us to take any risk, they are always trying to push us on the safe way : study, find a job, marry, making children. They want the best for us, but they don't realise that this is the kind of life that kills us and our envy to move on !

Successful people have all something in common : they take risks ! They get out of their comfort zone for living the life that they want and a life that is totally unpredictable and full of surprise. They meet new people, travel in new countries, reach new challenges, have to answer new problems ...

Taking risk is the best way to be a better you ! You don't have to take huge risk to change but you can start with some very basic challenges in your daily life : it can be trying a new activity you ever wanted to try but never had time for, meeting new people in meet-ups, at work or in street ...

It's time to jump and be a better you !


Tell me your thoughts in the comments ! What are you next challenges ?

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