Shame and secret

Man's fall didn't start the moment he ate the forbidden started the moment shame crept into the Garden of Eden.
God came, he ran...he hid...
because he was ashamed...
But NO! he wasn't meant to do no no...
he was meant to get down on his kneels, spill it all out and ask for mercy.
But sadly, he hid instead.
Now the question....
why was he so ashamed that he had to hide from the most important one in his life?
The answer...
He was no longer seeing himself as the most beautiful creature GOD made in his image nor did he see himself as the dominant one over all things anymore.
All he was seeing was...
How Naked, how flawed he was...How human he looked...How imperfect he is...
All he saw was how a failure he has turned out to be....and he was he hid.
And since then...we all have been hiding...and then we fabricated a word to cover up our shame....we called it SECRETS
We can't tell people that matters anymore, can we??
we almost even hide it from ourselves...hmmm
So at the end...
An Anonymous skirt at the bar is the first to know u have a drinking problem.
A chemist who's name u don't know is the first to understand u are living on drugs.
That cab driver who's face u have never seen is the first to know u are sneaking out of the house every midnight...
We keep on hiding and hiding being ashamed of what isn't new anymore to others...
Now...wake Yes, you...lemme tell u something...
Nothing is new under the sun anymore...
So really...secrets are outdated...especially when the people that cares about u aren't involved.
U gotta be able to pin down that one called shame, call the cops, get him arrested...all the way to life imprisonment for he's responsible for withholding all the secrets that u have been unable to spill out thereby limiting the greatness u are meant to have achieved by now!!!
Do u get my point??
Simply stated "Shame is an enemy of progress"
So put it out of the way...
That secret, spill it all out...
Its not about who u are today...its about who u will become if u keep on hiding...
Its perhaps the saddest loss to live all ur life on the ground without ever taking off...
And listen...listen well...
For u to take off easily, freely...u have to let go of those extra baggages and loads that are weighing u down...let's them all ur wings and feel the ease of flying higher than u ever did...
So are u ready?!
Because I'm ready...
M ready to sit my love ones down and say..
"I cheat,
I steal,
I lie...
m a flawed human being..."
But I won't stop there...I'll continue by saying...
"....But as God is my witness, if u are ready to stick with me in this journey of life...I promise...I'll make you proud"...
Say it...mean it...act on it...
And at the end...
The smile of victory shall shine on u...
Let God himself smile because of you.
So go out there...start from now...
Break the limits...Break the chain...and Fly

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