RE: Mallorca Sunsets

Hey sister, you replied to my comment by mistake, instead of to Ash's post. Easy mistake to make, especially if you are new. Anyway, i got a notification, and he didn't, so he will very unlikely see your comment (or this reply of mine), unless you edit it and tag him, ie. write @ followed by his username.

But, everything happens for a reason. Maybe it's not needed. Maybe he doesn't need to see your message right now. Consider this.

What is happening now, is the "daily harassment" still happening,? Perhaps if all is calm now it's better to let go, and let life flow. If not, dragging up the past could well bring it back to the present and a storm may return.

As Michael Brown, author of The Presence Process says, to blame is to B lame. Michael also says that when we were children and needed unconditional love, our parents were unable to give us that, so gave us the conditional love they were able to give (which was imprinted into them by thier parents).

But now, when we need unconditional love, unless we have broken the pattern by integrating our un-integrated emotions (or kinks of consciousness as David Deida calls them), our imprinted vibrational pattern attracts unconditional love to us again, to bring us that same feeling when our parents gave us that. Perhaps a stormy feeling.

When we feel upset, it is a setup from god (our true self), a gift to give us the opportunity to fully feel, without blame or shame. To do this, to receive the gift, we need to be still in the storm, and feel the feelings, the bodily sensations, fully, without the distraction of the story of what (apparently) caused it. We need to take responsibility, .choose to let go of the drama and flow with the dharma. Unconditional love will then more likely appear.

Anyway, perhaps it might be good to let things be for now if things are calm now, read my comment to which you replied, and the "why do bad things happen" post of mine which is linked to in the comment. They offer a different perspective which might prove helpful.

Much love

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