God must have a beautiful plan for us, so whatever sadness the heart feels, try to realize that God is with us

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There is no need to grumble on bad events that now make us feel sad, because no matter how much sadness that comes to greet, still be assured that God is never far from us.

Allah is near us, Allah has embraced us, and Allah has lulled us with His love, only sometimes we do not realize it because our lack of confidence in Him is very dry in our hearts.

Try to soften our hearts with a sense of trust in God, so really the sadness that had been so steep will slowly disappear.

Then when some of us ask, can we feel sad when God tests? Of course, because of sadness, it is our human nature as human beings who are indeed weak.

grieve well and correctly, meaning in sadness because of the problems that come make sure we remain aware that the problem occurred with the permission of Allah.

Because with that in mind, the sadness we do will never last long to torment the heart.

Don't let the sadness hit, we continue to think that God is not fair. Don't let the anxiety come to torment the heart, we forget to be grateful.

Because really all this time God has been so easy to give a lot of good in our lives, so do not let us kufr on His favors only because sadness always matches us.

as much as any sadness that struck, remain aware, that God is all good, and God gives us that sadness for sure for our good, so it is inappropriate if we continue to complain to Him.

Therefore, learn to stay patient and be kind to Him, even though the sadness that addresses us is very great and greatly disturbs our lives.

never be afraid that the sadness that continues will continue to disturb our lives, because any sadness will never last.

God will never have the heart to bind us in a long misery, because surely it is behind all that happiness that God has prepared for us.

Believe in God, because God is always close to us, God is never even far from us.

And God must have a beautiful plan for us, so whatever sadness the heart feels, try to realize that God is with us.

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