The waves of life

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Life begins with a cry!

We all have our individual experiences in life on how to embrace it or destroy it with our own hands. The fact about life is it has it's ups and downs. The only thing nobody ever told us that the downs seems last longer than the ups in our life. Why is that? Let me clear it with an example. If you are waiting for someone for an hour, it seems that the time is running slow whereas when we are playing a game or watching a interesting movie for an hour, time seems to be going fast. This relativity of time expresses our mood, if waiting is associated with the downs of life and playing is associated with ups of our life even though the time is same in reality, but for our brain it's different. After all time is as we perceive it.

If we pay enough attention on solving the problem rather than thinking about it, there will always be a way to turn the tables in our favour. The main thing is to not loose hope in any situation. On our first time facing a problem it seems to be a gigantic burden on our back that we can't live. But if you face it with enough hope and idea, you will get on with it. The past problems seems to be more of a simple ones compared to the future problems. This is a fact. If the same problems persist again, you would be good at solving them with your experience.

Life is not always about only downs, it has it's ups too. Despite of being known to live our life moments, we still don't really do it. We are not sure for how it turns out and thinking about the previous downs we lost our moments in our life which can be quite good if we perceive it.

I hope this article encourages you with your life to embrace it.

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