I recently turned 55...

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I recently hit the age of 55. Not really an age I welcomed or dreaded. I think 50 was the big milestone and now I'm dealing with having hit that age.

I think that when we are young we set up milestones in our life. "I'm going to be married, have children and a house by a certain age." Other things by other ages. I think I've hit most of those goals but missed others. I accept and am happy with my life path. But now I'm dealing with something I hadn't considered.

Maybe this is a mid life crisis but I thought I already briefly went through it in my late 40's. You see, I find myself changing hobbies like I change underwear. Anything at all that I have a slight interest in I dive deeply into. Almost obsessively. I think it drives my wife crazy. I haven't the slightest fear of failing in anything I try to do. If anything, anymore I hesitate getting too deep because I'm finally learning that my attention changes so quickly. I've always had a number of interests. There is even a name that someone came up with called "multipotentialite" and a website www.puttylike.com. I'm not convinced though that it describes me.

Maybe I'm concerned about retiring and having things to do. I'm at least 9 or 10 years away from when I think I can retire but I know how fast time can fly.

I guess the reason for my post is to see if anyone has ran into this before and has any advice. And to just say hi :-)

Thanks for reading!

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