Will Effect.AI become the next SteemIt? You be the judge!

I know you're always looking for the next big thing, here's one that'll let you earn crypto for doing simple tasks, training AIs how to work.  The jobs are easy, you just label some photos or transcribe some audio, and then you get paid in a cryptocurrency called EFX.

Getting paid in cryptocurrency for teaching AIs will be the next big feature rolled-out for Effect.AI, they're calling it the 'Mechanical Turk'.  It's expected to come out before the end of June, 2018.  And preregistration for the Beta is already taking place on their Telegram channel.  Once it's released you'll be able to earn money from home just by teaching AIs about the world.  And they have more features planned out to 2019 as well, so it will just keep getting better.

At the time of this writing EFX is still only 6 or 7 cents (that's about 0.06 USD).  I just watched the price go up by more than 10% overnight, and the Mechanical Turk isn't even released yet!  I have a feeling that this is going to get huge!  I'm not a financial advisor, but I do recommend having a look at Effect.AI to see if it's right for you.  And if you're as excited about it as I am then feel free to spread the word!

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