Gun Violence Is NOT A Mental Health Issue It's A Culture Issue

Everywhere I went today all I heard was people saying gun violence is a mental health issue.  But that's not right!  The English language has a glitch, we call Bad people "Psychos".  But that's not really what the word psychopath actually means.  Now there's a whole movement to crack down on people who have been abused and traumatized, as if they were the ones responsible for causing abuse and trauma.  It's absolutely ridiculous.  You should call things what they are.  Bad people are just bad people.

Nowadays, every time there's a mass shooting a huge wave of people go on the news saying that the shooter was a crazy person, and that's crazy!  All of those people on the news are just helping the shooters legal case by calling them crazy.  What we all need to realize is that just because insanity is a popular legal defense for bad people, that doesn't mean that they're actually crazy.  Think about it, of course bad people are going to try lying to get out of trouble.  Telling lies is just part of being bad.

It's important to know the difference between people with real mental health issues and people who are just plain bad.  Hearing voices does not make you homicidal, why would it?  You hear voices every night in your dreams.  Does taking a nap make you want to go out and shoot people?  No, of course not!  Being crazy is not the same thing as being bad.

Being bad inside and filled with hate and violent thoughts are what makes people homicidal.  There are a whole lot of curse words that I could use to describe certain bad people, but if you really think about it, not very many of those words are really accurate.  The English Language has that glitch, I think it's called 'hyperbole'.  That's why we have dumb movements to lock up mental patients, which would basically be equal to arresting folks for catching the flu.

Don't believe me?  The numbers are actually very similar.  Check this out, it's estimated that at least 1 in 10 Americans are prescribed psychotropic drugs.  And anywhere from 5% to 20% (an average of 1 in 10) gets the flu.  And no matter what you want to believe about "crazy people", at least they're not contagious.  Can you say the same thing about bad people?

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