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Another award for me - another experience - another lesson in life

Hello Steemians!


Yesterday was a special evening for me. As I told you in one of my previous posts, yesterday evening was the decoration of the 4 Paralympic women athletes and I was one of them.


As you can imagine, it was not the first time that I was decorated. If you see it in different angles, every time the same event leaves you with a different emotion. This time I was very moved because when they started talking about me, with their speech they sent me back 3 years ago, when I started this sport and I had no idea of this great success and the wonderful emotions that this sport would have given me three years later.


The only thing that was a little disturbing, was to see so many politicians who in their speeches made promises that they will never keep. But then I thought this was their job and that I was not there to criticize any of them. I immediately crushed this disturbing idea from my mind and I thought that I was there to receive this award and all the love of the people who were there, so I liked this thought much more than the first.


I was the first one to speak and in my speech I first thanked my family who is always near me, then I thanked all the people who were there for their love, then I gave a special thanks to Steemit community that supports me in every possible way. After that, the evening ended with so much music and so much dance. It was really a beautiful evening and I had a lot of fun.


Everything we do in life gives us a new experience and teaches us something new. My experience last night taught me that it does not matter how the others see you, the important thing is how you see yourself. Important is not just where you arrived, but also where you started from. None of us must not forget where they started from, to be worthy to be on top of success.

Thank you so much for reading!

And remember to always see the positive side of life.