Events duk pakat marriage or deliberation to determine the day of marriage ceremony

Events duk pakat marriage or deliberation to determine the day of marriage ceremony - Ini English


Hello steemian meet again with me on this occasion I will share some photos of deliberation and decorate bottles of drink to be brought to the wedding.


Many people make marriages if in Aceh or in Islam to follow the sunna rasul. So before the event in the title of all the people in the village do the event duk pakat or musyawarah to determine and know and inform the village community for the day.


Where I live in May there are 4 weddings that are done in a row so that people kualahan to go to place it. habits of people who already want to fast or Eid to compete to get married.


As seen in this photo my friend linto intat show many young people come and work together to decorate bottles of drinks and sugar buns, coffee and many other things.


This is the habit of aceh people for this kind of event, because it is from ancient times because each region has their own custom, this is how the Acehnese customs do unique and interesting things.


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