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1000 Followers - Who ever woulda thunk it.

Screenshot-2018-5-29  andyfishman.png

When I first joined steemit, I did so to follow a couple of content producers who had migrated due to the restrictive policies of Youtube, you might say I watch all the wrong stuff. I really had no thought of building my own blog. I started posting photos more just to amuse myself and not have a blank slate, but somehow, things grew and here I am with 1000 followers, ironically, my wallet is worth less now than when I had 500 and it seems to go backwards the more effort I put into building my channel, so it is a good thing I am not expecting a living off steemit!


My channel might not be the fastest growing channel, nor the most valuable, but it is proof that you can build a reasonably popular blog without the use of upvote bots, and without upvoting yourself. I may not make a great deal on my posts, but it ticks over and builds itself up, and at least I know the majority of my upvotes are in fact from people who appreciate my stuff, not because I bought them. I would prefer one genuine upvote worth nothing to a bunch of bot votes and a payout. So to those who have supported me through your kind approbation and hitting the upvote button, thank you ever so much for appreciating my efforts, makes it worth while.


When I first came here, I had no idea of how to build a blog or what content I was going to provide, but it just kinda worked out that people liked the photos I took of the wildlife and birds I would see around me. For many who live internationally, they do not see the wildlife I take for granted every day. So, coupled with photos of my lovely city, my blog came together as a naturalist photography blog, and people seem to like that. Throw in a bit of fishing and the course was set. Here I am 6 months later, and many photos posted, and it seems I took a reasonable choice if the wonderful comments that are left on the majority of my posts are anything to go by. To those who have been so friendly and have commented on my work, once or many times, I thank you all.


And to those who put in their own efforts to share their experiences, photos and thoughts in their own blogs, those who make steemit the interesting place it is to visit, thank you for your efforts. For those who have given up because they are not growing fast enough, not earning enough or are just not interested in putting in any effort, your channel will grow commensurate to the effort you invest. No effort leads to no return. It will not just grow itself, and no-one is going to grow it for you.


I especially would like to mention a few people who have made my experience much more than it would have been without them. Check out their blogs when you get an opportunity.

@choogirl and the teamaustralia team - great work and thanks.


@melinda010100 - Love the shadows.


@realtreebivvy - May Tight lines and bent rods be yours always.


@minismallholdings :)


@papa-pepper - Stay safe until I get there to play with the creepy crawlies, or come visit and discover some of ours :) Awesome stuff!



And @skylines82, @freebeerfridays, @herleeb, @wizardave @four20, @cshera @direwolf @bethalea and @inthenow, keep up the great monitoring of our skies. Risking ridicule from those less observant is not easy, but is necessary. We may make little to no difference, but then, we might make the right person think about things too.


@trudeehunter Looking forward to spring already, lol. :)


@squishsquid, @benjy, @papacrusher, @myhuntingfishing and all of you who have made my time here the enjoyable experience it is, thank you from the bottom of my heart.


Anyway, enough, thankyou to all, and if I did not thank you by name, know that your comments, upvotes and support are recognised and appreciated.