Premonition: Can You Go with Your Gut Feeling ?

«The power of intuitive understanding will protect you from harm until the end of your days.»

Lao Tzu (ancient Chinese philosopher)

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There are certain moments in every person's life when he's having premonitions of future events.

Sometimes, for example, getting ready for a trip, we can hear our gut feeling urging us to stop, unpack the suitcases and go nowhere.

The person who has a premonition might have had a strange dream which seems to him to be prophetic.

Someone, trusting his intuition, will change his plans.

The other person will set off in quest of adventures despite his feelings and will often regret about it later. So, what is a premonition?

Is it always necessary to trust it, changing our plans just because of a feeling that everything might go wrong?

A premonition is a feeling of worry about future events; it is a forewarning about an oncoming evil, a subconscious ability to predict future events.

Our intuition lets us make the right decisions without a detailed analysis of the situation, avoiding danger. It is the process that binds the conscious and unconscious parts of our mind, instinct and reason.

The period between the premonition of an event and its actual occurrence is generally from one day to several weeks.

There are people who claim that they have had prophetic dreams. These dreams often carry a message about the future evil, such as a war or a death.

Of course, not all people go with their gut.

For example, the story of the Titanic is a rich source of recorded premonitions.

More than 50 passengers felt the impending misfortune associated with the maiden voyage of the liner in advance and some of them cancelled their bookings, like Annie Moore Ward.

She was the maid of Cardeza family, who bought the most expensive suite on the Titanic, refused to board the ship as she had a gut feeling that something bad was going to happen during the voyage.

There were passengers who had had premonitions, but didn’t listen to their inner voice and still decided to go on a trip and were drowned later.

So, how can we understand that the feeling of worry before the upcoming event is not just fear, but a foreboding of a real threat?
Should we always change our plans if we have some weird feeling that something evil might happen?

It is not so simple. We are not supposed to scrap our plans because of every irrational fear that might appear. There are some differences that help us determine a real premonition.

First, it feels right in our guts. It conveys a detached sensation, like as if we were watching a movie. They are rather unemotional in comparison with any irrational fear; in most cases fear reflects past psychological wounds and premonitions don’t.

Even rather reserved and not superstitious people can have premonitions.

For example, Barret Naylor, who used to work in the World Trade Center, had two premonitions about the Twin Towers.

First, he had that gut feeling in 1993 while he was commuting to work.

His inner voice insisted that he should go back home, which he did and it let him miss the bombing that morning.

Eight years later, the same feeling prevented him from going to work again. He found out about the tragedy from TV later.

Actually, Naylor was not inclined to believe in the supernatural, but he played a hunch twice and it saved his life.

Thus, of course, if you’ve had some kind of prophetic dream or premonition about a future event, you shouldn’t ignore it as it might turn out to be life-saving, but make sure that it is a real one first.

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And here are the links to some researches on the subject:

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