Fart- content & types

Actually the fart is normal, so there's no reason to be ashamed. Those who always fart is healthy people.


What is the fart content:

  • 59% nitrogen, 21% hydrogen, 9% carbon dioxide, 7% methane and 4% oxygen occurring for various reasons, the occurrence of air and chemical reaction in the intestine.

The most common fart types:

  • fart with no smell.
    Fart that does not smelly although sometimes sounds strong usually have good and normal health.
  • fart with bad smell.
    Maybe it's a bad smell but no worries you're still in good health. This is because there is also a healthy diet that affects the odor of smelly fart. If you like to eat meat, broccoli and cabbage flowers this is the food that usually gives the effect.
  • often foul farts.
    Need to pay attention to those who often foul farts. You may have chronic issues in digestion or gastroenteritis. Always be aware of your food intake and get a health test at a nearby clinic or hospital.
  • frequently farts.
    Studies say that people who take more vegetables (high calorie diets) usually will fart frequently. If the smell of fart smells, please take precautions, maybe you have a food allergic reaction.

Farts can burned calories?

Many people are curious about the calories burned during this fart. The answer is No. According to Spencer Nadolsky, D.O., a bariatric expert who is also a member of the American Board of Obesity Medicine, the fart does not burn calories at all.
Although farts do not burn calories, this release activity can make your body feel lighter, especially if you're bloated.


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