Who came first God or Dinosaurs ?

One night I was on my bed thinking about the Universe , God , how humans came into existence etc and suddenly a question popped up in my head. Who came first God or Dinosaurs ?
According to science, Big Bang happened then stars & planets formed and that's how ea​rth came into existence and after that Darwin's Theory of evolution kicks in. How organisms evolved , how human beings evolved from chips. But on the other hand our religions told us a different story. I am a Hindu(from India) so i'll give you the example of Hindu Mythology. According to Hindu Mythology SHIVA came into existence (i don't know how) , then he created VISHNU and BRAHMA which then created the whole world. Now here's a question , if God created us then the structure or design of Human being was already defined so what's the need of EVOLUTION. Why Dinosaurs came first not the Human.

Few months later I was doing the Advance ART OF LIVING course in which you have to meditate for 4 days and at the end of the course there was a Q&A session in which you can ask anything. So this was my opportunity to ask this question. I asked the question in a very Innocent way , as soon as i finished the question I looked around ; people were starring at me as if I've done something terribly wrong. But i got the same illogical answer that God came first and then he created us and so on. I was not satisfied by the answer but I was happy that for a while I shook their world.

Well I am not against Science or any religion, i just love to think and try to find a logical answer. PEACE OUT

(note- please forgive me if you find grammatical & other errors coz English is my not first language)

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