Fuck you good for nothing bastards

Hello Steemit,
This message is for all the fuckers who fuck around and not let noobies rise above them in name of genuine content genuine work and bla bla bla....
Yes this message is specially for you
I will return with more power next time and I will surely fuck you all for no fucking reason the way you fucked many others for no fucking reason. So that you come to know how it feels when a person's effort in any manner is ruined by people like you. You guys will have to pay for it mark my words. I am challenging you openly now cuz I have nothing to lose now and you got much of it. Start turning your ways asap or be ready to face what is coming for you. You guys do downvote people for copying content but have you ever upvoted one with good content? I see never. Here we have a quote "Accha kisi ka kar na sako to bura kisi ka karo mat" that means "if you can't do anything good to others at least don't do bad to them" So better start amending your ways assholes.

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