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Life as a trip #-1

Life as a trip #-1

Yesterday I could not fall asleep, I was not feeling well. And i wanted to "escape" - to go on a week trip to the Pochaev Lavra.

But the morning changed the mood. In the morning, Me and two guys was waked up by the Chinese guy Ch. He entered the room and said in english: "You have 15 minutes to wake up, everyone who will be late - will stay without any breakfast, lunch and dinner, all day, seriously, all day!"


It was still dark

I was late, came out in 18 minutes. It was still dark, but the deep snow made it easy to follow their trail. About 40 minutes I walked, and even climbed the log across the river.

At the moment when I climbed over the log, I had a feeling that I had left something, something small, but heavy, that I was carrying with me. A pleasant feeling, I think that some negative program still turned off at that moment.

Since it was scary to climb, and I calmly did this only by accepting that I could fall into the river and how I would act in that case. I would just get out and go back. And I realized that there is nothing apocalyptic about this, and I can calmly do it. This helped me to calm down inwardly and I quietly moved to the other side.

This walk through the deep snow was long enough. I thought a lot. It was difficult and therefore good to follow the tracks of people and dog along the lake and the forest, along a completely deserted road. Untouched snow on the ground, and snow coming from the sky.

What is important\ in this world?

I'm thinking about strength, about money, about understanding. What is important, important, valuable in this world? These are all ordinary thoughts.

Because I was late for a minute, then at the "meeting", which followed immediately after the return of the Chinese Ch., He put to me forward a punishment - depriving me of breakfast, lunch and dinner.
Kinda like that.