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I Don't Got No Lucky Ass Breaks, But I Got Ma Dog

That's my dog, Rocky right there as I type this shit up while listening to Goo Goo Doll's Iris, one of my all-time favorite songs.

I am sipping some whiskey and randomly surfing the web.

When I get a little intoxicated, I surf a shit ton of stuff all over.

You know what I always come across?

All them 'lucky' people.

The people who go viral overnight and gain instant fame.

The people who who appear on Ellen because of one video.

The people who seem to make a ton of money overnight.

The people who know some influential person and therefore seem to have it easy.

The people who can somehow magically travel to every part of the planet and you have no fucking clue how they do it.


I used to be jelly as hell. I was spiteful. I was angry that I had to slog and struggle so hard and see so little results.

But it's times like these...

I realized I still got ma dog beside me,

He's always there.

Not judging.

Always willing to be with me.

Always wanting to play with me.

So maybe I don't have the fame...

But I got the little things, always.

Like my dog.

My mom.

My beer.

My friends.

My little trips to anywhere.

My dumb ass jokes and puns.

My times when I don't make sense with my friends.


Everyone else may scream for the big things or scream big names at me.

But I got the little things.

I hope you do too.
