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no one cares about you ...!

it's clear from the title that it will be a sad article , but it dosn't have to be like that .
when you take a good look around , you see lot of people but litle Interest, because after all you are not the center of the world .


but true that you have family and few graet friends whose are ready to make some sacrifice for you , not as much you ready to do for yourself but you should be thankfull for that , and ask youself how many person thiere who dont have any one to love him and care about him even that live not enough for you .


from my shildhood intel near time all was hoping that i'm good for athers , i lived for them and thiere judgments . and it was terrible , now i changed my way to see life and as long as it look good i will do it without the fear from the judgments .


finaly , my advice for all of you . don't let any one control you , live your life by the way you want . you're free from the day you had born so be free intel the day you die ..!
