Building a Film Studio- The msp-waves echo chamber with help from @davidpakman

So, now that Steem is worth more and I'm doing this full time my plan is to make/use a film studio to spread the message of Peace, Abundance, and Liberty. The two working models I have are a table and mic show similar to what @davidpakman does or what Rush Limbaugh does. I know they are at opposite ends of the Dem/Rep spectrum, but in essence the show is a host, a mic, and a camera with possibly a guest or guest voice. My other option is a crytpo daily show or Aggroed Repor(t) a la Steven Colbert. Again, I'm not stating the goals is to emulate their politics so much as their show format.

All that said. If I build a studio space it's not just gonna be for me and muh show. I'm gonna try to layer in more tools, sets, actors, and w/e I need to really create a full suite of PAL infused offerings. Where will I put this stuff?, youtube, and of course on Steem.

The message and the plan doesn't change now that's steem is up. Spread the values of Peace, Abundance, and Liberty, grow the Steem ecosystem, and train and retain minnows on the platform. You know what does change? Scope. Time to think bigger...

A field trip to Pakman's set

David was kind enough to let me visit his set near Boston. I regret that my photos are more about the equipment he's using than the set as a whole as I'm thinking of copying some of what he's doing, or scaling it down to do a first run (he's been at this a decade).





Muh Face

I haven't shown my face on Steem before. I didn't like being in the corporate world, expressing thoughts critical of the government and mainstream media, and was wary of the impact on my employment. Given that I retired from corporate life. Here's me and David! Pretty sure I don't have the single most punchable face on Steem. Hopefully you guys don't mind seeing muh mug more often.


Here's what I'm looking at for a space

It's not official. I haven't pulled the trigger. I'm still looking at other options including finding a working studio, but that said. this might be the new home of PALnet Studios. I guess I need to run this by some other folks too... but hang in there. I'm pretty committed to making sure Steem is gonna get a set and studio!


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