The World We Live In.

The world we live in is full of anything and everything. When you think of our little world in the grand view of the universe we are quite small. Even though we our small our thoughts and lives have big meaning. Think about how may times something small has effected you to a big level.

The world can be a hostile place with war, death, poverty and many more horrible things. Bad things can lead to good things, and good things can lead to bad things. We are all connected. The good, the bad, the beautiful, the ugly. We all effect each other.

You can not be good 100% of the time but you can try your best. Since we are all connected even the bad things you do can have a good effect on something else.

What is the moral of this? Nobody is perfect. Try your best and even when you fail, tomorrow is another day to try again. What didnt work yesterday could work tomorrow, and most of all. Never Stop Learning!

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