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Putting in Your Reps

Picture a scrawny, poor body language, awkward kid.

He is around 18 years old & is having a lot of self doubts recently.

No one wants to be his friend, girls don't like him & he gets bullied.

One day the skinny kid looks in the mirror & realizes exactly what is wrong.

He realizes that he looks like a stick.

At that point, he has his 'aha moment.'

If he can get in shape, then that will end all of his troubles!

So he signs up for his local LA Fitness & is ready to work out.

He is so excited to turn his body around so that he can finally become popular.

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Once he signs up, he wastes no time into putting in work.

He goes over to the bench rack, puts on 2 - 45 plates on each side & gets ready to roll!

He makes sure that everyone is watching him as he is about to bench 225-lbs so they see what a boos he is.

But as he musters the strength to pick up the weight, the inevitable happens.

The barbell slams on his chest & he is unable to move it.

He struggles to get the weight off him, twisting & turning, trying to push it up.

But nada.

Soon enough, a jacked dude comes over, picks the weight up with one hand & puts it back on the bench rack.

Everyone is staring at the skinny kid laughing at what they saw.


The skinny kid is humiliated.

That day, he decides that working out is not for him.

He decides that he is going to quit.

Now replaced the benching with something that you are currently working on.

Is it starting a business, writing a book, building a brand?

If so, check yourself.

Are you trying to bench the 225 lbs too soon?

I knew I used to be like that.

I would expect results as soon as I began something.

And when I didn't the results in the time frame that my ego had assigned to me, I decided to quit.

But building something that lasts doesn't work like that.

You need to put in your reps.

Whatever it is that you are currently trying to work on, it is crucial that you are aiming to put in your reps.

Get your end goal, break it into quantifiable segments, & tackle it one at a time.

Instead of seeing a large wall, just see the bricks.

Instead of seeing the 225 lbs, you see 1 week of repping the bar, 1 week of repping 60, 1 week of repping 70 and so on...

This sort of mentality shift is what will have you focusing on the long run.

It will allow you to deal with setbacks & re calibrate much smoother.

Whether you are trying to become a better public speaker, storyteller or even more creative, you need to put in your reps.

Luckily, the reps lead to momentum.

And momentum lead to significant change.

So if you did quit something that has been haunting you for a while, take a little breather.

See how you can flip that around.

Then go back & finish unfinished business.

Till tomorrow.

Hustle Hacker 💲 💲 💲