Mass voting fraud continued!!

When you thought that the videos produced by Project Veritas weren't damming enough. In this video one can see and hear the clear connection with Killary Clinton, the DNC and Americans United for Change.

One would think that something so big and soo damaging would be front page news and all over the media but guest what - it's not!! The questions you should ask yourself are why are the media not talking about this more? Why is someone called a conspiracy theorist when they mention Project Veritas? Why isn't the FBI investigating it? Why aren't people bring held accountable? The simple answer is that the whole system is corrupted and compromised! Anyone with a half working brain cell can see that... Only the sheeple believe it's all made up, fake amongst other words they use...

The establishment is showing weakness and it's only through the sharing of information that we can bring them down without a blood bringing shed because things might start to get ugly. We need to come together as a people and bring down the globalist so please share to help lift up veil.

The revolution won't be televised!

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