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Church of Anarchy?

Husband and I have been attending church again. We are on week three at a nondenominational Christian mission within walking distance of our house (which we close on in eight days!). We are attending so that we can be a part of a community of like-minded people near our home.

Husband was raised Christian, and believes the Bible is the literal word of God.
I was not, and I don't. I'm not anti-Christian, but I do not believe in the core tenants of the faith. Church attendance can be exhausting for me.

Here's some stuff that Christianity – specifically small church communities – really has going for it:

  • Voluntary (applies to all subsequent bullets)
  • Weekly meetings
  • Shared values
  • Community organizing/social services

And, Christianity done correctly propagates through good works.

I spend a good portion of each sermon wondering how one could apply the strengths of Christianity to small, local, non-religious voluntary communities. Is it possible to build an organization on the foundation of liberty that has a fraction of the strength of a church built on faith?