The War on Terror, aka the Racket

Ever since the war on terror started, American’s have been willing forfeit their rights in the name of safety. It’s been driven into us that those people of a different faith want to hurt us. And yes, there have been acts of extremism perpetrated by many sides. But does anyone feel safer? How can a country fight an idea? There are no borders for ideas. No ridged lines in the sand or government buildings. But that has yet to stop those who wish to make a profit.

In 2017, The Department of Defense spent $818.2 billion and $767.3 billion before that (1). An article in Forbes says, “An appendix to the July 2016 report shows $2 trillion in changes to the Army General Fund balance sheet due to unsupported adjustments. On the asset side, there is $794 billion increase in the Army's Fund Balance with the U.S. Treasury. There is also an increase of $929 billion in the Army's Accounts Payable.” (2). Has any of this spending reduced the amount of terrorist? Has drone striking hospitals and homes been an effective campaign? The War on Terror hasn’t made anyone safer, but it’s made the munitions companies and the financers tons of money with tax payers footing the bill, both in money and blood.

It should be no surprise that Lockheed Martin Corp reportedly made $40 billion in arms sales in 2016 and has made A 60-year deal for the stealth fighter jet valued at an estimated $1 trillion (3). At a trade conference in 2015, Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of Lockheed Martin, Bruce Tanner, spoke of the “indirect benefits” of the Syrian Conflict (4). There are countless government contracts for who knows what superfluous war material we have ordered, and we as a country will have to pay that bill. But what will all that money get us? Safety? I would argue we are less safe due the relentless aggression we commit over seas.

While exact numbers of civilian casualties is hard to calculate, due to the bits of body parts strewn about. However the organization Airwars has collected reports, which they were able to verify most of. The report suggests that from August 8, 2014, through March 31, 2018, there have been approximately “17,383 - 25,839 civilian non-combatant fatalities had been locally alleged from 2,493 separate reported Coalition incidents, in both Iraq and Syria.” (5). These body counts don’t exactly express the ideas of Freedom and Democracy, nor do they provide education or understanding of the ideas. William Penn, founder on Pennsylvania and fighter for freedom, said ““3… man cannot be said to have any religion, that takes it by another man’s choice, not his own.” (6). We cannot force others to think like us. Peace can only be achieved by understanding, and a person must be willing to learn in order to understand. Imposing rules on people do not provide information or understanding, but only breeds discontent. This use of force comes with cost to several sides.

The most disgusting aspect to this is we have sent so many of our fellow American’s to fight a war of aggression. These people only meant to serve and protect their country, when their country sends them to die for corporate profit. Even when they survive, what they have witnessed can become too much. Most are put on heavy medication, at the expense of the Government and then the soldier. Shoved back into society from a war zone is quite the culture shock. In 2014 alone, about 20 Veterans committed suicide per day (7). Not to mention the total American fatalities in the war on terror being about 2,411 since 2001 (8). Has this war on terror been worth this cost on human lives?

The only thing FDR ever said that I would animatedly agree with is “Only Thing We Have to Fear Is Fear Itself”. Ever since the war on terror started, the media and Government PR has kept the enemy new and scary. It was first Al Qaeda, then the Taliban, then on to ISIS, and now the “Islamic State”. Yet no one has explained the differences. They are just names to keep the citizen in fear. It is when we are afraid; we will give up rights in the name of safety.

The Government can’t protect us from ideas. This war is a racket. It’s time to support our troops and bring them home. It’s time to mind our own business and not meddle in foreign affairs. It’s time to be at peace again.

(1)- The Balance- U.S. Military Budget: Components, Challenges, Growth - By Kimberly Amadeo - Updated February 15, 2018

(2) Forbes - Has Our Government Spent $21 Trillion Of Our Money Without Telling Us? – By Laurence Kotlikoff & Mark Skidmore

(3)- 24/7 Wall St - 20 Companies Profiting the Most on War- By Samuel Stebbins - February 20, 2018

(4) – The Canary- These arms dealers are caught gloating over the ‘benefits’ of war -

(5) Airwars – Summary findings on Coalition air and artillery strikes: August 8th 2014 to March 31st 2018-

(6) - The Political Writings of William Penn- Pg 93- Chapter IV- Enemies to the noble Principles of Reason, as appears in eight Great Instances.

(7) – US Department of Veteran Affairs - VA Suicide Prevention Program Facts about Veteran Suicide July 2016 -

(8) – iCasualties - Coalition Military Fatalities By Year

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