Leftist media promoting pedophilia and the emasculation of heterosexual men, in Spanish

It's no secret that the liberal (leftist) media aims at destroying the West and that to attain this goal they attack standards of behavior and beauty. This time they promote pedophilia and the emasculation of heterosexual men, in Spanish.

We the people need to create our own media organizations or else we shall perish under this onslaught of shit.

Needless to say, I'm not homophobic. There are many sane, rational gay people who oppose this clear mockery of what their fight has been.

Original video: https://www.facebook.com/upsoclcomunidad/videos/924836531021045/?hc_ref=ARSFIEZx2s7By6ppGBkhnYxIalr3xgCkftSDcphH-qkm7mt22FPzEjx2L-mWA411yPQ

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