Very strange, only third day in!!!!

It's my third day in on 1500 mg of vitamin B1 and i have just awoken at 6 am. I'm feeling remarkably refreshed after 4 hours sleep. I don't have any lethargy feeling as per usual which is amazing. Is this how normal people feel who don't have chronic fatigue, if this feeling remains it will be the quickest recovery in history. Maybe my energy will crash later, i can't believe it can be so simple to overcome something i've suffered for over 20 year!

It's now been 12 hours since i first posted this latest update and i did speak too soon as i totally crashed this afternoon and had to sleep for 2 hours. I've just woken up from that but sort of feel recovered and not lethargic. Another thing i forgot to mention this morning was my right eye again felt very dry so again the B1 is doing something. I'm taking Solgar B1 500 mg tablets for the record. It says on the bottle that each tablet is 33,333% the Daily Value which i guess translates to government recommended value. This seems ridiculously high but it is water soluable and they probably wouldn't produce a tablet with such high values if this was that harmful!!!!

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