So, market is another down trend with price decrease again.

Hello friends from the crypto world.

Let's the market begun with down trends where the prediction was as like happening today, the increased price won't stay more twenty four hours, then we can watching the market all day long down by everyday. In this stormy crypto market, etherium lost two third of its price and same with Ltc and btc is half of the price since tje first market correction price.

Today's price is green but it showing after the price correction while most of the coin are falling down and still continuing to following the trend.

We are losing our hope with market and investment, nothing can stop this market for falling down. We will survive and see all the destruction of coin value in front of eyes each and everday, but my better day and good day will be come back once another day may be two years later or later earlier.

Till then, stay happy, stay cool and keep safe with your assets.

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