Spinvest's weekly earnings and holdings report | Year 03 | Week 34


Hello, SPIer's. Today is Sunday and we end the SPI week with our weekly dividend payment this evening and every Sunday at 21.00 GMT.

What is SPI?
SPI tokens are growth investment tokens that pay a weekly dividend. They have been circulating for over 2 years, on STEEMHIVE. Mostly sold for 1 HIVE, each token today is worth over 4 times its HIVE issue value and 12x its dollar value. On top of that, token holders receive roughly 8% more SPI's every year from weekly dividends. We raised $13k from issuing SPI tokens for the first year which has been used to grow a diverse portfolio of investments, many of which provide streams of passive incomes. SPI tokens are part ownership of all SPinvest tokens/accounts, assets and income. The price of each SPI token is its liquidation value as SPI tokens are 100% backed by holdings. Handcapped to roughly 94,000, no more can be minted are issued. Adding, hold and compounding has us on the road to major growth and these tokens are still growing in value.

SPI tokens are part ownership in an actively managed fund. We have our hands in over 20 investments with the lion share being HIVE, BTC & ETH. We dont FOMO are chase pipe dreams. Tried and tested works best and is safest. Our motto is "Get rich slowly" and compounding down on sound investments is our game. You should invest in SPI tokens with the mindset of not selling for 3-5 years minimum. Let's have a look at this week's on-chain HIVE earnings.



Earning this week or nothing special, at 450 HIVE it's a standard week. Content rewards this week were good and going forward we will be working toward uploading more content. Sanibeer has been in contact with a few people and we have have new people coming on board soon. SPI will pay 5 SPI per post uploaded for the foreseeable future, after SPI, we'll offer either set HIVE amount on profit split.

Income from dividend tokens is not growing as fast as I'd like but when im chipping away at adding more. This week I added some LABFUND but I've also been trying to buy bought EDS and I did buy back around 100 SPI from the market this week as well as been active enough on HE. I used defi harvesting to buy back SPI's and HIVE we have sitting in our wallet for LABFUND and EDS.

All in all, an average week. JK shipped over 100 HIVE which is cool because he has been shipping that amount the past few weeks and if he can keep it there, that would be amazing.



Our HP balance has been growing massively the past few weeks thanks to EDS and it issuing out EDS miners. Im not going to get into the EDS model but when the miners are sold out, our HP balance from EDS will decline a little bit each week. By a little bit, i mean 60-70 HP per week out of 63,121 HP so not much.

HIVE saving is the SPI Royalty Lotto reward pool. I was supposed to do the first draw last Wednesday but clean forgot about it so first draw will be this Wednesday. Matching 3 numbers will pay out 440 HIVE and 2 numbers 25.90 HIVE.

We have our monthly HBD interest payment due in 41 hours from now, this month we'll get around 144 HBD. Not too bad!


I'll need to add in EDS the above table and im thinking I could colour-code them as well into "buy and hold", "income" and "utility" tokens. For 2023, we'll be adding mostly HIVE income tokens to this wallet. I might consider selling off some ALPHA pack tokens to fund income tokens.

I created an SPI burn account called @spi-null. Im going to use this to transfer shit tokens to. SPI has lots of tokens that show as having value but zero liquidity and this makes the wallet value messy so thats why i decided to create the SPI burn account. I could have just sent them to @null but you never know, one of them might 100x and be sellable.


No changes, our holdings are the same and the value is about the same as it was when the last report was uploaded.

For 2023, i think we'll be mostly converting defi harvests into with BTC or ETH. Toward the end of the year we will look into other ALT tokens, most likely gas tokens like BNB, SOL, ADA (maybe), MATIC, etc. I feel if DOGE drops to 2-3 cents, it would be a good buy also and this could be our gamble token. Shit we could even double down on THOR, lol. maybe not.

By the end of this year, I was guessing that the above table will be bigger and the below table will be smaller as i unwrap LPs to convert into cryptos.







The SPI token price is still pretty high at 4.67 HIVE each. I see the price on HE is very cheap, theres no sell orders in place for under 6 HIVE but the buying orders are starting at 2.1 HIVE. If you looking to stack SPI at a 34% discount, put in a buy order for 3 HIVE and wait. I have an idea for providing liquidity but im not 100% how ethical it would be. This would something I'd write a post about for feedback before doing it.

We are on week 34 of SPIs year but at the start of 2023. During 2023 i going to predict that the price of HIVE declines more but not by a lot, i think the market in general is going to go mostly sideways but down a little bit, 10-20% maybe. HIVE as a smaller market cap token will have greater declines compared to something like BTC or ETH are anything in the top 15 cryptos. This is because it takes less money to move the market price. The same happens during a bull run and something like HIVE can 30x from its cycle bottom but BTC might only 15x because its takes a lot more money to increase its price.

For these reasons, i think continuing to hold stables and to use harvests to DCA weekly into BTC and ETH is the best plan for the next 6 months. After this, i think I'll start converting stables into crypto and towards the end year buy into some ALTS tokens. At the end of the year, we'll convert a big whack of our HBD balance into HIVE. I could convert some now but we're earning 20% on HBD and I think we'll get more HIVE later than we'll get day plus we don't earn close to 20% on HIVE, next 60-70k worth anyways. haha.

2023 is going to be another hard year for crypto, we are probably past the worst of it and things might decline some more so it'll be a slow bleed. These are the best years to earn and stack. What SPI does is the same during both bear and bull markets, the difference being during bull markets we earn less crypto worth more $ and during bear markets, we earn more crypto worth less $.

This year will most mostly be the most profitable year to earn crypto (HIVE) if we look at 2-3 years to 2025-26 when what you earn today worth 27 cent could be worth over $2 in 2-3 years. Hence to push for trying to find people to create content.

Im looking forward to 2023 for SPI. I'd think in terms of HIVE, we'll end the year with a fund worth over 600k HIVE and im terms of $, i think we'll finish about the same as we have now. My guess is in terms of $, we'll earn enough to cover maybe a 10-20% market dip.

2024, we'll be on the launchpad again, bags loaded and waiting for the moon. We'll compound everything we hold down and wait.

Anyways, Happy new Year folks. Thanks for checking out the report and have a great day/week.



Thank you for taking the time to read through this week's SPI earnings and holding report. We post every Sunday to keep our investors up to date so please follow the account if you would like to track our progress.

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