Real life crypto and web3 - the social impact narrative

In the past weeks, there have been a lot of discussions going on about the possible narratives of HIVE. This is a multifaceted gem it has many sides and of course also its flaws, because there is no such thing as a perfect gem. This post will mainly serve as a drawing board for narratives of HIVE. It will probably be the first of many. As there are plenty of narratives for our chain.

Image mad by me in Adobe express, using partially AI tools.
The goal is not to present HIVE as the so-called "Eierlegendewollmilchsau"

The German expression "Eierlegende Wollmilchsau" translates to "Egg-laying wool milk sow" in English. It is an idiomatic phrase used to describe something that appears to have only advantages, satisfies all needs, and meets all requirements but is unrealistic. The phrase illustrates this idealized concept through an imaginary creature that combines the benefits of different animals, namely a chicken (laying eggs), a sheep (producing wool), a cow (providing milk), and a pig (meat).

Translated and shortened Wikipedia post by ChatGPT4

Hive has solutions for many problems. It is such a wide array of things, projects, people, businesses, and so on that it gets overwhelming. If we want to onboard someone to HIVE what can we tell them? What is the narrative that will ultimately bring them to our community and make them want to stay and get active?

The answers are in the problems

What problems can HIVE fix? Yes, it is again multiple problems we can solve. We can send relief funds to wartorn countries or countries where a natural disaster occurred. We can help communities get access to clean potable water. We can subsidize cleaning activities and reward humans for cleaning up the planet. We can provide fast and free payments to businesses and individuals, without having to know who they are or what their bank account number is.
There are so many problems HIVE as a community-owned blockchain can solve. Please feel free to add your ideas in the comments. What are problems that we as a community on HIVE can solve?

The social impact chain

We now dive deeper into one narrative that I believe to be a very strong one we are still not using to its maximum potential.
Empathy is a crucial aspect of human relationships, without empathy, we would not be where we are now. When help is needed humans gather and help. Compassionate empathy is the desire to help and support others in times of distress. It is rooted in our human behavior going back to times when we still lived in caves.

The social narrative can focus on exactly those real life problems we are already solving and these Ideas can be spun even further.

Boreholes! Water!


Communities in Ghana get clean access to water. The Hive Borehole project. If you have not heard about it yet and are the owner of an HIVE account, your only excuse is that you are new.
The HIVE borehole project in Ghana is a parade example of a real-world problem that should be tackled by governments. We as a community decided collectively that it is a good thing to help and we as a community made 13 hive boreholes. (Number 14 is in the works as this post gets written.)

Of course, this only works if community members at the ground level are willing to put in the work. This is the beauty of decentralization, at the ground level there is a bunch of humans, all with different skill sets and knowledge.

More social impact

Another great example is the project NFTs for peace, where we can help in Ukraine and also be sure that the aid is delivered. Thanks to the transparency and regular reporting on the project it is easy for us as a community to help people directly. No bank, no company no organization that swallows a large chunk of the aid to provide for their infrastructure.

Making the world a better place

Cleaning up trash for the sake of our planet is a rewarding activity and has an immediate environmental impact. The Clean Planet project is one that we can utilize worldwide and it always has the impact of trash being removed from nature and sent on its way to be transformed into energy, or recycled. It also could become a source of income for those without work.

You go take pictures of nature and collect the trash you find. You get paid. Bang. Easy.

Find out more in this community:


More ideas?

Well I have an ambitious one.
How about HIVE shelters?

Yes, that could easily be a possibility. We could provide housing as a community.
Just imagine a small village made of container houses. They are extremely cheap to build and can be built in a modular style.

We could have small communities all over the world where people can have a roof over their heads and a place to wash, to connect to the internet and charge mobile phones.
Building a basic housing container costs about 6k in €.
Due to our decentralized nature, we can again go to the human ground level and look for those who can provide land for this very purpose. But even a big enough parking lot in the backyard of your business could be a space for a container.

You do not need a building permit to have a container. The containers can be shipped and moved from one property to another in a relatively short time.

We can even go further on this road and build entire container villages on remote spots owned by various HIVE community members.

Let's go even further. What if these containers are built by a company that employs members of the HIVE community? What if we don't just build containers for HIVE shelters but for others who want to have housing containers?

Could there be an entire network of humans giving space for community funded housing containers? Possible.
Could these containers be rented to HIVEANs at a discount in exchange for HBD or HIVE?
Certainly. Could these containers be rented to tourists passing through for a higher price?
Could these containers be used as shelters for people in need? Everything is possible.

It can be all types of housing!

Imagine HIVE as a community buying housing complexes and providing cheap and affordable living to a larger community. Is this a possibility? In some places, it might be. Of course, we can't just buy a housing complex in the heart of Munich. But it could be a different situation in Bratislava, Györ, Sibiu, and many other cities around the globe..

This impact could be scalable as the maintenance of facilities around the world would also create jobs that could be filled by community members.
Of course, I do not know the legal background of how a community-owned decentralized chain could acquire property. But the first solution with HIVEANS providing the land for the housing to be set up would work.

See where this goes? What do you think of the idea?

Real life applications of ScialFi

I will be exploring this matter in further posts and as the idea develops. I have several meetings arranged in real life to talk with companies and NGO's about possibilities that HIVE can provide on a social scale.

One startup I will have talks with has a rather interesting project. I will go into that deeper in a separate post soon.

What is the social impact narrative and how to transport it?

Concluding this narrative:
HIVE as a community-owned blockchain can bring change in the quality of life for communities around the world. We can send financial help in a matter of seconds and we can activate on-ground human members of our chain to help deliver the aid. We can do this transparently, showing where the money went and what it was spent on. It is immutably recorded in a blockchain and can not be tampered with. This builds trust. No boundaries to doing good, no boundaries to helping. If you want to help someone and can convince the community that it should be done, it will be done.

Transport this narrative:

Just share our social impact. Emphasize the community working together to reach goals. Maybe HIVE has a social impact in your area? Get people talking about it.
Be active and participate in projects with social impact. Actions speak more than words.


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