Welcome to my new world!

Am I an amateur?

Welcome to HIVE. Or am I 10-years late to Crypto?

The fire in me lit up, when other cryptos were being appraised at elevated rates. I was excited, fearful and skeptical. I am not sure how may of you share these words with me.

I remained focused on what I did best! I have a flair to engage individuals and unleash in them the superpowers to find their own potential. No - I am not kryptonite! Just a humble individual trying to make an impact on one starfish at a time.

Today is momentous for me. I picked up the courage to step into the world of blockchain and cave into my curiosity. And voila, I am here. This is my first post and I am confident that it will not be my last. I have lots to learn, lots to unravel, lots to pick up and eventually, lots to share.

I want to make this work for me. I want to be inspired by you (yeah you who is reading this post)! I hope that I can inspire you too. I am looking forward to learning rapidly and someday derive lots of HP (horse power or hive power) to inspire others who are still standing in the fringe of this amazing world of blockchain and peeping in suspiciously and fearfully!

Welcome to my new world!

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