Monday Ecosystem Round-up: DYMond Hands, Splinterlands and the Grill App

Let's start the week with the hottest news!

The Dymension Rolldrop Season One shared a total of 70,000,000 $DYM tokens to various ecosystem users. Certain activities on Ethereum mainnet and layer2s were part of the eligibility criteria, plus the holders of various NFT collection and OG's with activity on Cosmos, Solana and Celestia. Various NFT holders were also eligible for the airdrop, regardless the on-chain activity

Dymension is a network of easily deployable and lightning fast modular blockchains called RollApps. In a similar to a full-stack web application where users interact with RollApps, the Dymension Hub acts as the coordinator for the ecosystem. The RollApps are the interactive applications for the Dymension network, fully customizable for games, DeFi, NFT projects and much more!

Read the full article here:

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I joined PolkaVerse few weeks ago because PV sounds a lot like PVM! I thought about joining for several days, as I wasn't sure if I was ready for a new adventure... but finally took a leap of faith!

The web3 DApp was leveraging Subsocial's decentralized social networking protocol and a democratic community free from irrelevant information and tech giants' censorship.

The #1 decentralized social network for Polkadot and Kusama helps content creators to build and own Web3 networks, and reward authors for their activity. Didn't had time to get used with PolkaVerse UI as big changes where implemented. The Subsocial ecosystem has been steadily moving towards the full release of Subsocial’s super-app, which will combine all of Subsocial’s functionality into one seamless user experience. You can now earn even from chats!

The initial launch of Grill merged the popular Web3 chat application with the $SUB locking management system from Sub.Id in preparation for everything to be combined in the upcoming super-app. Additionally, PolkaVerse was tied into, in order to leverage its advanced login functionality.

Read the whole article here: @pvmihalache/polkaverse-merges-with-grillapp-to-create-the-subsocial-superapp



Greetings Splinterlands Summoners! The classic weekly battle challenge retired to make way for the Battle Mage Secrets series, making it more entertaining. This new set-up adds a focus on dynamic strategies, as players will be able to choose from a greater selection of more diverse units to bring into battle.

Let's enjoy the Explosive Weponry ruleset, and all the units gain the Blast ability at the start of the battle. Every strike deals additional damage that is equivalent to the main damage divided by two and then rounded up.

Including a unit with Reflection Shield in the lineup to absorb blast damage and protect your back line could be a good tactic. However, my tactic is to create havoc by dealing more attacks.

Read the whole article here: @pvmihalache/splinterlands-battle-mage-secrets-blasting-drybone-raider



If you're new to this... then a Splinterlands tl;dr is required! I will tell you about the strategic auto-battler multiplayer digital-collectible trading card game on the Hive blockchain. Lots of fancy words so lets make it simple ... you try to create the most optimal 7-card deck to fight against opponents.

Brawls and intense battles, social media challenges and lots of fun! Brawls are also remarkable as each battle will count towards to end of season rewards, where the players are rewarded with potions, cards, SPS tokens, merits and even packs. What are you waiting for?

Read the whole article here: @pvmihalache/my-remarkable-splinterlands-journey-brawls-blast-and-gladiators


Residual Income:

Games: Upland / Splinterlands / Doctor Who

Cashback Cards: Plutus Card /

ZCash: PipeFlare / GlobalHive

Publishing bundle: Publish0x, Hive & Presearch

PVMihalache The Author - My Amazon Books

GrillApp - New Write2Earn Dapp

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