Adding Liquidity On TribalDex


I am probably late to the party but did you know that Hive has its own liquidity pools for Hive-Engine tokens including ones like Swap.BTC etc?

They're on and you can see all the different pools as well as the rewards that are available for staking your liquidity pair tokens in the diesel pools.

Creating a liquidity pair and staking is the easiest I've seen among all the platforms I've been on. Just log in with KeyChain and you don't need all the message signing like you do with BSC and ETH.


After you have added to the pools, you can check out your positions and rewards:


One aspect that I'm not so clear about is whether the rewards only accrue once you have a sizable position or does everyone get a piece of the pie?

Well, that's just a bit of exploration from me today and I am off to add more to my liquidity pools. Happy adding fuel to the fire!

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