LBI earnings and holding REPORT | Year 03 | Week 43

Welcome to this weeks LBI token earnings and holding post


What is LBI?
The LeoBacked Investment (LBI) token is the first of its kind, the 1st token to be valued completely in LEO. Each LBI token represents a percentage ownership in the overall fund including all LEO, HIVE, off-chain and wallets operated by @lbi-token. The goal is to provide a community based and ran investment vehicle focused primarily on the LeoFinance community and LEO token. We provide a weekly LEO dividend payment to all token holders whilst also increasing the value of the LBI token slowly but consistently over the long term by only investing into things that will stand the test of time.

LBI is a long term HODL token based on SPI's model. Because these tokens are backed and valued in their primary assets, the value only increases. Think of it as putting $1000 in the bank and earning interest. In theory, you should never have fewer dollars. The $1000 is the LEO you give us to buy your LBI token and the interest is the earnings we produce with that LEO.










Earning this week are on par with what they have been. Leo.voter takes the top spot with 243 LEO, HIVE content takes 2nd with 164 LEO and LEO curation takes 3rd with 127 LEO in income. I am still stacking up the liquid LEO we get each week and still undecided what to do with it. We can stake it to earn a little more from LEO curation, convert it to HIVE and invest it into some HIVE income token or convert it and move it off-chain into some non-HIVE investments. It's taken us around 5 month to save it 8400 LEO, sounds like alot but this is only worth $420 at the minute and does not get alot of anything hence why its been building up.

HIVE wallet this week do as they always do, we increase the amount of liquid LEO, HP and HBD we have by a few of each. We could consider delegating this HP we have to something that pays better than HIVE curation. We currently earn 85 LEO per week from HIVE curation and delegating to a project could yield 120 LEO without much work.

The non-HIVE wallet is the same as last week with he exception if we have a tiny it more BTC than last week because im still converting CUB harvests in BTC. Our 2 main LP's did ok this week but looking at them, it could be time to consider selling off part are all of the bHDB/BUSD LP and use those funds to invest into crypto to prepare for the 2025 bullrun. No point to really earn 20-25% on a stable token anymore when we can buy almost any crypto and it'll 3-5x in the next 2 years.

The LBI token price has dropped a little this week. This is because the price of LEO increased when HIVE and the rest of the market went sideways are declined a fraction. We've been on a hell of a token price ride since week 27 so a few weeks of decline with kinda on the cards and expected.

A few members of the governance team have reached out and asked about whats going on with LBI and that it might be a good idea to write a post about to get a feeling about how investors are feeling. Things have slowed way down for LBI and it is a combination of things, the price of LEO tanking over 95%, LEO inflation being over 45% in 2022 (im scared to check this year), LEO curation rewards as an APY dropping to under 5% and even leo.voter not paying out the advertised 16%.

My heart says I'd love to stake more LEO but my mind says, earning 5% yearly from curation into yearly 30-40% inflation is not a smart thing to do and is surely a long-term losing move. Maybe im missing something, to be honest im not up to date with what is being shilled at the minute, maybe ad revenue is still coming soon. I remember that was the next thing a year ago.

Anyway, I will write and release a post about this subject during this coming week. I plan to do another LBI token buyback, this will be funded by the stable LP and I will layout 3 scenarios for LBI going forward.

Thanks for checking out this weeks report. Have a great week.


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