Progress Update - Getting "Back To Basics" to Grow Hive Account

2023 Goals Cover.png
(Created in Canva)

There are times when things happen in your life that taken you off of the path that you had previously set for yourself. At these times, you either spread yourself to thin because you really don't know what you want or you stop doing things at all because it is just too overwhelming and you do not know where to focus.

At these times, I like to do something that is very simple but few people even think about doing it.

Getting "Back To Basics"

When all else fails, you need to go back to the beginning and lay your foundation. I call this getting "Back To Basics".

When we are talking about growing your Hive account, the basics are:

  • Creating Valued Content
  • Make Meaningful Comments
  • Curating Others Content that brings you value

Creating Valued Content

First and foremost, the content that you create should have value to you and by publishing it, it will have value to others. This part is the hardest to accomplish because value has so many different meanings to everyone that is on the Hive Platform.

This is why I state that the content you create must have value to you. If it does not have value to you, more than likely it will not have value to anyone else.

Make Meaningful Comments

To help others know they are adding value to the Hive Platform, it is important to make comments on others content. Not just comments but "Meaningful" comments. Meaningful comments add value to the engagement between you and the person that created the content on which you are commenting.

Adding meaningful comments, helps to confirm to the content creator the value shared and also encourages them to continue to create similar content.

Curating Others Content that brings you value

Curating others content is another way to show the content creator that their content has value to you. If you like the content, either from a informational perspective, or clearly because it entertained you and made you laugh. It is ok.

Curation is not about just up or down voting as many posts or comments as possible but it is about supporting content creators that add value to the Hive Platform in one way or another.

So when you get to a point that you feel overwhelmed because you do not know what you should share or which topic you should write about, just go Back To the Basics and this will help you regain focus so that you can go forward in growing your Hive Account.

Hive Target

Staying active by using the three above methods to stay focused in your activity on the Hive Platform is one way to keep Hive growing.

There are always times that I need to be reminded to go back to the basics to grow my account and move closer to my goal of 5000 Hive Power. My current Hive balance is 2,560. I am slightly over halfway to my goal.

Hive Power Balance.PNG
(Source: PeakD frontend)

Hive Power Ranking

To help me see how my hive account is growing relative to others on the Hive Platform, I also track my Hive Power Ranking. Last week, I was ranked 3587 and this week my relative Hive Power ranking has moved up to 3563. I am trying to continue to keep my activity consistent on a daily basis so that I am always moving forward instead of falling back or sitting still.

HiveBuzz HP ranking - 3563.PNG
(Source: HiveBuzz website)

HBD Savings Ranking

Another metric that I have just started reviewing, is my relative rank to others on the Hive Platform in HBD Savings.

I must admit, I do not have very much in HBD savings only 41 HBD but by reviewing it on a weekly basis it will encourage me to add to my savings more over time. Currently, I add 1 HBD per month to my HBD savings.

HBD Savings Balance.PNG
(Source: PeakD frontend)

Currently, my relative HBD Savings ranking is 2310. I was very surprised to see that I was so high in the ranking as I thought a whole lot more people would be saving HBD to receive the 20% APR.

HiveBuzz HBD savings ranking - 2310.PNG
(Source: HiveBuzz website)

Hive Received Rewards

This past week, I was more consistent on a daily basis. My Author Rewards were 18.24 HP ($6.76) with Curation Rewards of 3.65 HP ($1.35) as compared to last weeks amounts of 17.91 HP ($6.57) with Curation Rewards of 3.48 HP ($1.28). Being consistent should help grow my account little by little on a daily basis.

Author and Curation Rewards - 7 days.PNG
(Source: HiveStats website)

In reviewing the 30 Day chart, it shows my Author Rewards were 76.77 HP ($28.45) with Curation Rewards of 14.98 HP ($5.55). The USD amount fluctuates as the USD price of Hive fluctuates. I am working to get back to posting on a daily basis which should help the 30 day trend line.

Author and Curation Rewards - 30 days.PNG
(Source: HiveStats website)

Curation APR

I review my Curation APR on a weekly basis because I want to keep it within my target range of 8% to 10%. It is now 7.72% slightly up from last week's 7.55% curation rate. This is not bad but I would rather it be above the 8% level.

I also like reviewing the amounts of Author and Curation rewards for each day as they indicate the activity that I had during that time period.

Received Rewards and curation APR.PNG
(Source: HiveStats website)

Hive Engine Tokens

I also review my Received Hive Engine Rewards table on the HiveStats website. However these rewards will change greatly based on which 2nd Layer token is being rewards from content creation or from comments.

Hive Engine received rewards.PNG
(Source: HiveStats website)

The below are my top balances in the Hive Platform 2nd Layer Tokens. I have to admit their prices have been moving about a lot lately. I can't wait until the Crypto winter is over and all of the prices start to stablize.

Hive Engine Tokens.PNG
(Source: HiveStats website)


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