Silver Portfolio Update 3/12/22

Silver Price Analysis
Silver prices creeped above $26 and are well supported above $25.30-$25.40, despite lower equities last week. Silver saw a 2.14% last week after more uncertainty surrounding the Russia/Ukrainian war. Other PMs saw a wild ride this week with nickel see a chaotic couple of days where the price spiked 250% to a high of $101,365 a tonne and trading was suspended in London. I'm hoping that silver see some action like that as my portfolio would be very happy. However, will all the paper ETF silver contracts I don't think that will happen until those are shown to be unbacked by physical like many of believe.

Silver Chart
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Portfolio Update
My current assets are valued at $1,580.39 with a total acquisition cost of $1,476.59 representing an increase of 7.02%. This might be my best return since I started stacking.

Asset Allocation Chart
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Asset Holding by Product
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