As dangerous as possible

As a man, your main mission in life is to become as dangerous as possible.

You don't know when you will need it, but you have to be ready.

Yesterday, mi wife was in a car crash.

My son was in the car.

She called me immediately, she sounded upset.

My instant response was "Where are you? I'll be there in a second".

The crash happened two miles away from my house.

Now, we only have one car, we go everywhere together and she takes care of daily chores because I stay at home working, so we don't need a 2nd car.

I checked Uber.

15 min arrival. No way I was gonna wait that long.

Uber killed the Taxi business so I knew I'd have to wait a while to find one.

No way of getting there fast by car.

It's Mexico, anything could happen.

  • The other driver could get aggressive
  • Cops would arrive and try to coerce my wife or get money from her
  • Potential robbers passing by would see a window and exploit the situation

So I grabbed my cellphone, wallet, locked the house.

And started running.

I got there in 8 minutes.

I arrived to an old lady calling her insurance, my wife laughing with a friend who was passing by, and my son asleep.

But it could've gone entirely different.

And I would've blamed myself if I didn't get there on time.

A man's mission is to be as dangerous as possible, not because of normal days, but because of days like this one.

A day where you will have to run 2 miles at full speed, and arrive ready to get in a fight and win.

Or not.

But if that day comes, would you be ready?

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