Defi Token Update

If you are happy with everything you don't need to do anything just keep accumulating tokens and making money

Week 30 of defi token has arrived with Apr of 40%.
This is due to last until Friday which brings to end the current stage.
Token has max liquidity available on hive-engine as promised

What Next?
Cash out or Compound

For 7 days liquidity will remain on hive-engine allowing anyone that wants to cash out to do so.
At the same time the Apr will be reset to 10% and the next phase will start. Starting at 10% the Apr will increase weekly by 1% until it hits 40% Apr once again.
Addition tokens will be added for sale at the fixed price of 0.1.
These tokens will be on sale for a 2 week period or sooner if they are sold out.
This price is pegged and will remain so same as before.
You can place orders now at 0.1 hive for future tokens.

Please note there has been max liquidity for every token to cash out for atleast 12 weeks already, no other token has max liquidity.
The 7 days is just a final reminder

Following tags are for investors to make them aware of progress


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