I told you so! Pundits going CRAZY!



Cut taxes.. but don't cut government spending. OKEY DOKE! G-d Save the .. KING!


It's amazing the retards that are in power, that are in finance (in power),and those that are scratching their heads. This blog just get's so repetitive. I'm sorry. There's really not much for me to say. I'm only doing this because well I earn crypto for doing so! I'm at 56 words and I have to get to 250 words. Isn't this the stupid world we live in? Make targets that really do not do anything other then benefit those who made silly targets. I mean I could make a blog summarized into a couple of sentences but y'know it would be the same old dribble.

I get a guaranteed upvote at this point in time, and like some stupid government bureaucrat I do the exact same thing. The only difference is I can admit it's all bullshit.

Side note - 151 words

Only 100 more to go. To be honest I could get the upvote right now but hey, I have nothing better to do then to watch this shit show burn down. Alright so here we go.. AGAIN!



Did you buy your AU/AG @raymondspeaks ?

Probably not.. so keep watching the pound get pounded. Love you Bro.. but y'know it's not looking good. Stupid Canadian's.. they don't know shit.


220 words.. hmmmm.. ok. I just took a shit, it was good! Not enough? Here goes some more key words to get to that sweet sweet 250 words. 3 more words. Done.
Okay fine. I will go above and beyond. Every freaking country will 'pivot' and print who knows how much more until all this shit collapses. What will still be standing? Take a guess.

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1 column