Lensy: Bee Chat & Social Media || News & Updates

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We have some site updates and news to get you up to speed so, lets get ot it!


BeeChat is real-time chat service for Hive built by Hive-Engine to works across multiple hive front ends. If I send you a message on nftshowroom.com and you're logged into lensy.io you'll get the message on both platforms, all you need to use it is have a Hive Account and login to our website and go to your profile page or on the top menu search for the icon of Chat.


How it works

** If you have issues using the chat**

Since the site is currently using cookies and some browsers block 3rd party cookies, this doesn't happen always but if it does you may need to add an exception to the bee-chat site on your browser here is how to do it

  • On Chrome:
    add an exception to the site [*.]beechat.hive-engine.com

after you done that you can now use the chat normally from any frontend that has it.

view of chat windowoptions to block users & unfollow

You can send friend request, to have group chats you need to have the other members as your friends.

private dmgroup chat

For now we have direct messaging, group chat with friends and a general chat room for Lensy. The service uses cookies as an authorization method, so if you having issues, adding an exception for the website beechat.hive-engine.com would help you get around it, our dev is working on improving this and also allowing embedding images and video links to play. so expect more updated to Bee Chat in the coming days.
Messages are store for 90 days and then they get deleted. So, we suggest to do a backup regularly of any important info you may have in chat so, you don't loose it.

Social Media


We are actively promoting our photographers and trying to attract new users and buyers. So, we have our social media accounts, we appreciated any Like, Retweet or Share you can do to our posts on



As you know Twitter is full with crypto enthusiasts, so is important for us to get the work of photographers noted by the investors and collectors of NFT.



Instagram is probably the most used social media for photographers since is well for sharing photos, so obviously we are trying to heavily promote there, we would love to feature any post by our users on our stories so feel free to tag us there.

Suggestions and Input Wanted

We are still needing suggestions and input to improve the whole Lensy.io experience, we are updating the site every week and we also loved to hear feedback on our social media accounts so if you think there is something we need to improve or start doing let us know in the comments!


Visit the site and browse Photography: https://lensy.io/

You can follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/LensyNFT
or Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lensy.io/

For any questions or support please visit us in our Discord

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