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Using A Cheap Lenovo Laptop

I don't know if anyone else shares this sentiment, but I really like working my underspec'd old lenovo laptop ever since I put lubuntu on it. When I was using win10, it was frustratingly almost unusable. But now, sure it can't do everything a modern laptop should be able to, but there's enough power in it that I can do basic tasks. And the weird thing is I got a refurbished macbook to be a work computer last month and I'm just not using it unless I absolutely have to.

I actually like the discipline and economy it makes me have: so I have 4gb of ram and <64gb of hd space... what are the things that I cannot live without?

But then again, I'm also a person who used to write on an alphasmart neo 2 before youtubers and the Freewrite made them outrageously expensive.

Yeah, it's totally not the way to go for most people. But I know myself, if I was on a better machine I would spend all my time trying to rice it out and never getting to the thing I'm meant to be working on.

For me, limitations make me more productive because I have less choice-paralysis and getting-started-paralysis. terracore
I'm also the kind of person who only keep a certain amount of dishes within easy reach in the kitchen in order to stay on top of doing the dishes. It's changed the equation from "do dishes or just use a clean bowl from the cabinet" to "do the dishes or go get the step ladder to get the clean bowl from the cabinet"
