thyme passages: a serial novel: chapter 27349a-3


The energies of the earth are blending together as time accelerates, causing mass to increase in size and decrease in importance. Modern science, which appears so stable, is built on a concept of reality that is taken on faith. The formal unit is 10 to the minus 33rd in order – each quantum bit is an increment of this value. The base is cubic according to ancient knowledge. The time frame for humanity appears much greater than current religions believe – potentially appearing 180,000 years ago rather than 6,000 years ago.


How knowledge is absorbed is a unique study. Information is based on data collected from many sources. Our internal computer (brains), sift and sort truth from fiction according to our own unique point of view. Knowledge is the sum of the accepted parts that we believe work together in tandem, while wisdom is the application of this knowledge to develop a better reality.

The wisdom that we follow is based on personal experience – we accept advice from others when it sounds logical in our frame of reference. We only know what we have learned through integration of the data and derivation of information into a valid working form.

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Where does it come together? How does it fit the mode of action? What pretense needs to be removed to have a valid working concept? Knowing a lot about very little may be better than knowing very little about a lot. I seem to be going off on a tangent, where self-comprehension leads to realization. Thyme to make some plans to fit the goals that I have set for myself.

Where does one find life energy? It is embedded in living spirit – in humans, plants, animals, fungi, rock crystals, insects, water. Water is the connecting vehicle, the basis of sentient thought. Attunement? Ground State? What are our passions? Our fears? Are we left out or included in? Which is better? Do we own ourselves? Do we even know ourselves? How do all these energies link together, to create the miasma of life on earth?


Water holds the key vibration, which permeates at all fractal levels. The scale seems to be 10+64 in width – and we set exactly in the muddle in the middle.

Networking occurs through elemental forms – earth, air, fire and water. The relationships between the astrology of the zodiac and the chemistry of the elements has come into my domain. The chart called the Harmonic Spiral of the Elements begins internally with Hydrogen in Leo and fans out through seven spiral spheres ending with Uranium in Aquarius. Each elemental form is permuted as cardinal, fixed, and mutable to give twelve combinations. I hope to study the forms to make sense of this emergent system.


Namaste' ... doc


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