Lenin regarded Europeans as animals

Since the very vocal collapse of economic Communism has coursed an unavoidable explosion of activity surrounding the Jewish Bolshevik mass slaughter in Europe a skew often centres on the the years 1932 to 1933. This was horrific and loss of life has been listed as anywhere between 7 million to 7.5 million, although, figures have been as high as 10 Million deaths. Yet the butchery had been in place for a decade already due to Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov-Blank. Better known as Vladimir Lenin. This Jewish Communist terrorist, mass murderer, propagandist and dictator of the Soviet Empire, established after the Jews took control of Russia during the Bolshevik Revolution, is the architect of European genocide. In fact the nature of their Jewish revolution was extermination and not betterment of Europeans. While it was the Jew Karl Marx, with the help of his teacher Moses Hess the philosophical father of Zionism, who invented Communism; in fact Marx was the first to advocate racial genocide. Meant for Europeans of Basque, Breton, Serbian and Scottish heritage he used the term ‘racial trash’ and recommended a revolutionary ‘holocaust’. Living a parasitic life and not himself a worker Lenin provoked the reality of the Marxist Communist plan when he implemented the foreign artificial politic of Leninism. On the surface it presents a ‘utopian equality’ impossible as it does not exist in nature. This can be clarified by looking at the sexes. If nature wanted them to be ‘equal’ or the same why not make them androgynous. In reality man and woman are meant to be different to complement each other. The only way one achieves ‘equality’ is to eradicate difference-sexual, racial and cultural and reduce the mass by force to the lowest common denominator. - https://holodomorinfo.com/2013/09/23/lenin-architect-of-genocide/

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