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The encounter between two earthly worlds


"Are you sure this is alright?" The tall man said. He wore a tall black hat along with his tall dark blue coat.

"I think so. I just don't know about these boys." Nikka said, stretching her short legs. He nodded his head.

"Fine. I just don't wish to be unpopular."

"Hey Dur." Nikka summoned them both. They looked back to her.

"Yes ms. Nikka?" Dur, the tall man, asked.

"I think we should bring these two in with us."

She gestured with her hand to look in the window of the old hospital, the group stopped and looked at the sight in front of them. The two stood in front of a window, in an old room in the hospital. A young blonde girl in a pink dress was laying in a bed. A strange cottage made of vines was in the very back. Two people stood in front of the door, they were long, long men. One was wearing a black hat, strange, strange. The other had white hair, strange. The two next to the door were dressed in sailor sailor suits, strange strange. Just then, Nikka saw another head appear in the window. There were two heads next to the two strange folk.

"Urg." Dur said.

"Is no scientist here?" The tall man asked.

Nikka shook her head. "No. They are here. If they are fantasy, then it is some kind of fantasy." Nikka said. Dur nodded.

The tall man sighed. "I'll take them."

Dur smirked. "Your good sir. Have good day."

He nodded. "Yeah." The tall man looked up to the window.

The two girls looked at him.

"Are you sure this is alright? I don't know of these boys. They seem... different." Nikka said.

"They are different. But, they are not here to kill us. They are here to help us. I cannot say for sure. They are strangers, after all."

"Are they elves?" Nikka asked. Dur moved his face in an odd look.

"What are elves?" Dur asked. Nikka cracked her neck. "That's the odd part. I've never seen them before." Nikka replied.

"Which is the most unusual. If they are not here, they must be from your world."

The tall man opened the door, checking around. He turned to the two. "They are not around. Come in."

"Strange." Dur said. He and Nikka walked in and looked around.

"We do not like this, very odd." Nikka said.

"Yes." Dur said. The tall man closed the door. The two girls looked at each other. "There's no chalk chalk chalk chalk chalk chalk here."

"Agreed." Nikka replied. The room was old, the walls were old. There were small cracked windows. The building leaned. The world was old. The two girls looked at the two men in the room.

"It's no fair. One of you is blue eyed brunette, one of you is green eyed blond." Nikka said. The two men shook their heads. The girls walked closer to them.

"You both look like in a time machine. You are even wearing hats." Nikka said.

"Is the hospital beautiful?" the taller of the two girls asked.

"Yes. Is not so beautiful." Nikka said.

"There are many rooms are not so beautiful are are are are are are are are are are are." Dur said.

"I'm sure you agree that they are not ideal for this situation." Nikka replied. She looked around the old hospital. "I don't know what to do. None of us know what is going on here. I do not know what to do."

"We don't think it's a hospital, but more of a village of some sort. We'll explain it further. But, we think we can help you out."

The girls nodded. The two girls and two men looked at each other. The two girls and two men looked at each other.

"Well, we need to know how we're doing this. So, let's just learn where we're going to help you out." Dur said. He held out his hand.

"Of course." Nikka smiled. They shook hands.

"What's your name?" the taller man asked.

"Nikka." Nikka replied.

"And yours?"

"Nim. But you can call me Nikka. And so can he." She looked at the taller man and bowed and said, "My name is Nim. If you tell me, I am a girl. How do you do?"

Nikka laughed. "Do. Nim, you are a girl."

Nim laughed loudly.

"Here, here. What is going on here?" Nikka asked.

"Not much. Just dealing with a curse."

"A curse?" Nikka smirked. "Curses are not real." Nikka snorted. "Come on."

"Wait, wait. That's important. Curses are real. I know because I have fears of them as well as a few others." Dur said.

"What are you talking about?"

"Like, what you said." Dur pointed at Nikka. Nikka pointed back. "Like, something going on with a little girl. What is going on with a little girl? I know a little girl, a few years old. She is a little girl. But she hasn't been a little girl for a while. Like, over a few years."

"No... No... No." Nikka said. "No, no. Not possible."

"How do you mean not possible?" Dur asked.

"Girls get born. Like, you get born. I get born."

Dur chuckled. "We get born. That's not how it works."

Nim walked closer to them. "I was born."

Dur, Nikka, and the tall man just stood there. "Okay... That's not what I meant." Nikka clarified.

"I think that's the problem here. You people do not believe in curses. Maybe that's the issue."

"Wait. What's the issue with me? I think I'm the only one who knows about curses."

"We've never met anyone who doesn't. Some people accept them, but not everyone."

Nikka placed her hand on top of her face. "I don't believe in curses.