Ballet slippers


Since she was two years old, Miriam had practiced ballet, as she grew older, so did her passion for dance; When he reached adolescence, he was already a professional, but without obtaining a leading role, which was repeated for many years.

Ballet is a very demanding profession, she practically gave up her life to dedicate herself to it and she was beginning to feel a little regret, because she was about to turn twenty-five, thus becoming the oldest woman in the company.

Of course that was not even close to being a dream come true, and I did not understand why, since she was the best, the most capable, the most elegant, the most disciplined, she did not lack anything to obtain a weighty role, but still , I did not have it.

In one of many presentations, he received a visit from his first admirer in the dressing room; the other girls scoffed, because while they were besieged by boys, Miriam had only charmed an old woman. Of course the young woman was not rude, and gave the old woman the attention she deserved, they talked until all the others left.

"You who were also a dancer will understand, ballet is everything to me! All I need is to get the main role before I retire and that would make me happy forever," Miriam said with a great shine in her eyes, but at the same time an expression of disappointment and frustration crossed his face.

"And what would you give to get it?" The old woman asks with some malice. The innocent young woman ignores their expressions and rushes to answer anxiously.

"I'd give anything," he answers longingly.

"Your life? ..." adds the old woman, completely erasing any trace of sweetness in her person.
"Have I not already given it?" The young woman asks, wiping away her tears.

-Not. You have not done it yet, it is not the same to dedicate your life to something than to give it up in return ...

"Actually I would give anything to fulfill my dream, even my life if necessary ...

"Say no more then, take these slippers, wear them from now on, you'll get your role and I'll keep what I need too ..."

After that the old woman left at a fast pace, and the young woman was left alone trying to spin what had happened, but she was unsuccessful, even for days she could not understand in the least, but she had in her hands the slippers and the The old woman said that with that she would give him the role, so at least he wanted to try, as crazy as it seemed.

The moment she put her feet inside, a strange sensation invaded her body, she perceived herself invincible, unique, special ... just the characteristics that they needed for the protagonist of the next staging, so there was no one to give her. snatch your last chance. The role was hers as soon as they saw her dance
The opening night everything was ready, and it went perfectly, Miriam was spectacular all night and was preparing for the final scene, in the center of the stage, there was her and only her, her viewers went crazy, they let out a sigh in every jump, applause at every turn, a total success.

Miriam smiled, they applauded and her feet moved faster, it was so much passion, she turned perfectly without stopping, as if an external force was driving her. Her dream was fulfilled, she was the main dancer and also people loved her. She gave herself completely to her audience, and in the front row the old woman gave her first applause. A blinding light on Miriam's body but she still danced, twisted and turned without stopping.

Something strange was happening, Miriam felt she was floating, she was lighter than the wind, she could see herself dancing from above and farther and farther ... her body kept turning and turning to the beat of the applause, the music released its last note, the people turned crazy wanted to finish their hands clapping to honor the artist.
The curtain fell, and next to it also the lifeless body of the girl ... "A deal is a deal," said the old woman and recovered her slippers ...

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