Lebanon shooting a gun problem? Or is it a greater issue in society?


I am sorry but no this is not a gun issue. This is a mental health issue. This is a societal issue. This is an issue of putting men onto an impossible pedestal and being surprised when they fall.

Reading his note it highlights many problems with at least the US societal norms. Shaun's statement shows that in his perspective he was not believed when he claimed metal abuse. That is a well known and damning double edge sword for men in the US.

In our society we expect men to be the pillar of strength, both mentally and physically, we expect men to be the sexually dominate in the relationship, we expect men to be the most confident, and we expect men to never show weakness. In showing any weakness men are at times ruthlessly mocked, bullied, or peer pressured into being "strong" again.

Our society has an expectation that men cannot cry or show any emotion that would be considered feminine. For example crying at a sad movie, or crying over a romantic gesture. Doing so makes you less of a man or gay (which is its own issue our country has with making being homosexual bad). Our entire culture is wrapped around this notion of men need to be these emotionally strong solid rocks that cannot be broken or show any cracks, or else their existence gets nullified.

Don't believe me? Show me a movie where a man is getting emotional over a break up. I mean full on river of tears. Now watch to see if the man is being mocked for being gay, made to seem irrational or crazy, the people around him think less of him, commits suicide, or goes into a rage. (If the man goes into a rage, watch what happens. Does he commit suicide, go on a murderous rampage, or get revenge?)

We have put into our media that showing an emotional weakness makes you less of a man, less of a person because you cannot handle these "girly or pussy" feelings. It starts with young boys going through adulthood, men have to suppress their feelings, bottle up their emotions, and restrain from sharing how they feel. Until they cannot hold it in any more then it comes flowing out, normally in unsuppressed rage, anger and frustration.

Because of this imposed expectation of men to be emotionally strong, and other men in power who have a difference tolerance level to stressors, when men report physical, sexual, and mental abuse most of the time at best they are ignored, at worst they are brutally mocked for it.

Most men internally know that men get mentally abused all the time but expect other men to be like them and not break down. Really man your girl is mentally abusing you? Man up. Stop being such a bitch about it and suck it up. Are you a man or a pussy because you certainly are acting like a pussy. Just leave her and it will be over. All these statements have been said many times in the past and the expectation is for the man to bottle up all of this emotion, ignore the abuse, just take the abuse because you are mighty because you are man.

Mental abuse can just not happen to a man in the eyes of our society as a whole. The larger the man compared to the woman, the more they get mocked for allowing it to effect them. If you are a large muscle bound dude that is in peak physical condition and you are being mentally abused by a 5 foot tall 90 lbs woman, almost no one will take you seriously, certainly not a court of law or law enforcement.

Sexually assaulted by a woman? How is that even possible? As a man you are stronger then a woman, you could easily over power a woman. You could not have been assaulted because you got an erection. A woman assaulted you are you a fag? This level of mentality is the reason why men do not report sexual assault much.

As with mental abuse the larger the man is then the woman the less likely the man would be believed AND be mocked for it.
As for physical abuse most law enforcement and courts of law side with the women. Want a high profile instance of this look at Johnny Depp. As you see more and more of that legal drama playing out you can see where JD has been abused for years yet he is getting the majority of the blame for the relationship and accused of domestic violence.

That is what happens. From personal experience I had it happen with a violent ex girlfriend who scratched my chest hard and hit me with a sony cordless phone so hard in the chest you could read Sony on my chest. The cops laughed at me and I had to get a sergeant on scene then a Lieutenant to move the case forward and have her removed from my home. They could not believe that a 6'2" 200lb man could be physically assaulted by a 5'1" woman.

Now combined with all of that we now have a society where men are demonized for being men. For growing up in our society and being forced to change after 30 years of a learned behavior overnight and make any one misstep and you are done.
Men before were walking on their own emotional eggshells and now our society tells them that in addition to holding back all of their feminine emotions or actions they now have to hold back their masculine ones as well.

Men have already coped with this in the past by being more manly, by moving with the ideals of showing off strength mental and physical. The mental adaptation means that the jokes and humor can be darker, more sexual, and more visceral in nature. Mostly to adapt to our society so that men will not take all the pressure so seriously because of reasons stated above.

Now there is the problem of the age. Men who show off that cocky bravado, are now chauvinistic pigs, or misogynistic. Areas where men can go to relieve some of the stress are now considered so taboo they are losing jobs, and relationships of a simple misspoken word, phrase or joke. Or worse a man is taken to task for something they said 15-20 years ago before they matured more. ( I not talking about overt sexual harassments, hate speech, or sexual assault.)

In this age it is even worse then in my generation. Now EVERYTHING is recorded and then used against you later.
Why does that matter for Shaun? He makes statements of his frustration and of his abuse. His actions were not justifiable.

This shows a major problem with our society that men cannot share their emotions or be believed when they claim abuse. This is the massive problem not the guns.

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