White House Press Secretary Comments on Children Being Encouraged toward Transexual Surgeries and Procedures


  • US State laws regarding cigarette sales to minors:

  • US State laws regarding alcohol sales to minors:


  • US State laws regarding driving - NOT PERMITTED to kids, either:


  • 2023 US White House Policy regarding serious medical procedures and sexualization of minors in schools - yes under 18 years of age and lower! :

  • ChatGPT refuses to cite studies but we can use Google search to find them. Post op transexuals suffer a much higher rate of suicide than their peers. Not only do they suffer isolation in a much more extreme form, they suffer physical harm and psychological harm due to the negative and destructive effects on relationships they have in life.

**Here are just three recent examples from peer reviewed scientific journals : **

  1. Suicide rates among transgender people increased significantly between 2010 - 2016, particularly among those who experienced high levels of discrimination and stigma. (Suicide Prevention Research Foundation.)
  2. Transgender individuals report higher rates of major depressive disorder compared to non-transgender individuals. (Journal of Affective Disorders.)
  3. LGBTQ youth experience disproportionately high rates of homelessness, poverty, and mental health issues such as anxiety and depression. (National Alliance of Mental Illness.)

Are children really ready to make this important decision at ages 4-12?

The White House thinks so! Here is the White House's own appointed man who claims it is safe for children to take hormone puberty blockers while hypocritically saying he's glad he didn't do it so he could have kids himself:

Celebrities like Charlize Theron and many, many more also think its safe for kids to surgically alter themselves before the age of consent!

This is morally and legally wrong. Period, end of statement. The White House is become a house of lawlessness and godlessness.


No Karine, These are NOT your kids. These kids belong to their mothers and fathers, not to you or your school boards. Until you publish the secret curricula used, the whistleblowers will keep coming and publishing the truth about this sickening agenda.

-- Not only do they set up kids to suffer needlessly, they preach it as a satanic gospel of "truth" in every corner of the earth: There is only man and woman, as God created, and you can never hide this fact of reality.

-- Children MUST be protected from the likes of these people, from Drag Queen hour petting sessions in kindergartens to whatever the heck this is, courtesy of AGENDA 2030: Agenda 2030: Children in the Crosshairs


Matthew 24:19
"And woe unto them that are with child, and to them that give suck in those days!"


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